HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02控制主板卡件
HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02控制主板卡件串行端口以太网接口上有两个串行端口:Station Manager端口和Downloader端口。Station Manager端口。此RS-232端口用于连接终端或终端仿真器,以访问以太网接口上的Station Manager软件。此端口使用6针RJ-11连接器。HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02 Station Manager电缆非常适合连接到此端口(详细信息请参见第10章)。固件升级端口。15针D型RS-485端口用于连接PC下载器,以防需要更新以太网接口中的通信软件。此连接使用IC690ACC901微型转换器/电缆套件(详见附录E)。AAUI(收发器)端口14针AAUI端口通过IEEE 802.3收发器电缆连接到外部以太网兼容收发器。GE Fanuc产品目录号HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02(适用于10Base T)或IC649AEA 103(适用于10 Base2)是合适的收发器(详见附录J)。默认MAC地址标签“默认MAC地址”标签列出了此模块要使用的以太网MAC地址HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02
Serial Ports There are two serial ports on the Ethernet Interface: the Station Manager Port and the Downloader Port. The Station Manager Port. This RS-232 port is used to connect a terminal or terminal emulator to access the Station Manager software on the Ethernet Interface. This port uses a 6-pin, RJ-11 connector. The IC693CBL316 Station Manager cable is ideal for connecting to this port (see Chapter 10 for details). The Firmware Upgrade Port. The 15-pin, D-type, RS-485 port is used to connect to the PC Downloader in case the communications software in the Ethernet Interface needs to be updated. Use theHELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02 miniconverter/cable kit for this connection (see Appendix E for details). AAUI (Transceiver) Port The 14-pin AAUI port connects to an external Ethernet-compatible transceiver via an IEEE 802.3 transceiver cable. GE Fanuc catalog number IHELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02 (for 10Base T) orHELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02 (for 10Base2) are suitable transceivers (see Appendix J for details). Default MAC Address Label The Default MAC Address label lists the Ethernet MAC address to be used by this module
型号:HELMHOLZ 700-872-MDM02
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