REXROTH R901077297伺服电机控制系统
REXROTH R901077297伺服电机控制系统高速计数器可直接处理高达80KHz的快速脉冲信号,用于工业应用,例如:流量计检定、涡轮流量计、速度测量、材料处理、运动控制和过程控制。通过直接处理,高速计数器模块能够感测输入、计数和响应输出,而无需与CPU通信。REXROTH R901077297它可以配置为向上或向下计数,向上和向下计数,或计算两个变化值之间的差值。模块可配置为提供1、REXROTH R9010772972或4个不同复杂度的计数器。高速计数器(HSC)高速计数器可安装在任何Series 90-30基板上,并使用手持式编程器、Logicmaster 90-30/20、VersaPro软件或Logic Developer PLC进行配置。还可以从用户的应用程序配置许多功能。模块上没有可设置的跳线。模块顶部的两个LED指示模块的运行状态和配置参数的状态。
REXROTH R901077297The High Speed Counter provides direct processing of rapid pulse signals up to 80 KHz for industrial applications such as: meter proving, turbine flowmeter, velocity measurement, material handling, motion control and process control. With direct processing, the High Speed Counter module is able to sense inputs, count, and respond with outputs without needing to communicate with a CPU. It can be configured to count either up or down, to count both up and down, or to count the difference between two changing values. The module can be configured to provide 1, 2, or 4 counters of differing complexity.High Speed Counter (HSC) The High Speed Counter can be installed in any Series 90-30 baseplate and is configured using the Hand-Held Programmer, Logicmaster 90-30/20, VersaPro software, or Logic Developer-PLC. Many features can also be configured from the user’s application program. There are no jumpers to be set on the module. Two LEDs at the top of the module indicate the operating status of the module and the status of configuration parameters.REXROTH R901077297
型号:REXROTH R901077297
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