YOKOGAWA UR1800通讯模块模拟组合模块模拟组合模块在一个模块上提供四个A/D输入通道和两个D/A输出通道。每个输入和输出通道可以单独配置为电流或电压模式。离散输入/输出模块点密度这些模块有两种密度类别:标准密度模块:每个模块最多有6个电路(也称为“点”)。这些模块配备有可拆卸的端子板。请参阅下图。高密度模块:高密度模块每个模块有32个电路。YOKOGAWA UR1800这些模块的面板上安装有一个50针连接器或两个24针连接器。本章稍后将讨论连接选择。标准密度离散I/O模块功能标准密度(6点或更低)模块具有以下功能(请参阅下图):可拆卸端子板。如果需要,您可以从模块上拆下端子板,以便对其进行接线。然后,当您完成接线后,您可以轻松地将其重新安装到模块上。然而,有些人更喜欢在接线时将其留在模块上。如果您需要更换模块,如果您的旧端子板仍处于良好状态,则无需重新布线。只需从旧模块上拆下接线端子板,然后将其安装到新模块上。端子板螺纹端子也是测试或故障排除时测量电压的方便点。YOKOGAWA UR1800
YOKOGAWA UR1800Analog Combination Module An analog combination module provides four A/D input channels and two D/A output channels on one module. Each of the input and output channels can be configured individually for current or voltage mode.Discrete I/O Module Point Density There are two density categories for these modules:Standard Density Modules: Standard density modules have up to 6 circuits (also called “points”) per module. These modules are equipped with a removable terminal board. See the following figure.High Density Modules: High density modules have 32 circuits per module. These modules have either a 50-pin connector, or two 24-pin connectors mounted on their faceplates.YOKOGAWA UR1800Connection choices are discussed later in this chapter. Standard Density Discrete I/O Module Features Standard Density(6 points or less) Modules have the following features (refer to the following figure):Removable Terminal Board. You can remove the terminal board from the module in order to wire it, if desired. Then, when you are finished wiring it, you can easily reinstall it on the module. However, some prefer to leave it on the module when wiring. If you ever need to replace a module, you don’t have to do any rewiring if your old terminal board is still in good condition. Simply remove the wired terminal board from the old module and install it on the new module. The terminal board screw terminals are also convenient points for measuring voltages while testing or troubleshooting.YOKOGAWA UR1800
型号:YOKOGAWA UR1800通讯模块
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