PROSOFT 5201-DFNT-DNPSNET网关模块显然,从PLC中移除电源模块会断开嵌入式和模块化CPU的备用电池和RAM内存电路之间的连接。此外,在模块化CPU系统中,卸下CPU模块将断开备用电池与内存电路的连接。此外,为了避免与丢失RAM内存内容相关的可能问题,PROSOFT 5201-DFNT-DNPSNET我们建议您维护程序文件夹的最新备份副本。创建程序文件夹备份的说明可在Logicmaster 90 Series 90-30 Programming Software User’s Manual(GFK-0466)以及基于Windows的编程软件产品的在线帮助和用户指南中找到,“如果电池断开,它可以存储足够的电荷以在短时间内保持内存。PROSOFT 5201-DFNT-DNPSNET
PROSOFT 5201-DFNT-DNPSNETObviously, removing the Power Supply module from the PLC breaks the connection between the backup battery and the RAM memory circuits for both embedded and modular CPUs. Also, in a modular CPU system, removing the CPU module would disconnect the backup battery from the memory circuits. In addition, to avoid the possible problems associated with losing the contents of RAM memory, we recommend that you maintain an up-to-date backup copy of your program folder. Instructions for creating program folder backups can be found in the Logicmaster 90, Series 90-30 Programming Software User’s Manual, GFK-0466, and the online help and user’s guides for the Windows-based programming software products.Super Capacitor Memory Backup Besides the backup battery, the RAM memory circuits in both Embedded and Modular CPUs are further protected by a ”super capacitor,” which can store enough charge to maintain memory for a short time if the battery is disconnected.PROSOFT 5201-DFNT-DNPSNET
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