DEIF PCM5.1控制模块
DEIF PCM5.1控制模块影响电池寿命的因素每年更换一次电池是一个很好的经验法则。然而,没有人能够准确地预测备用电池的使用时间,因为这取决于使用的CPU、温度和使用方式。考虑以下影响电池寿命的因素将有助于您决定在应用程序中更换电池的频率:未使用的电池在“室温”DEIF PCM5.1(25摄氏度或77华氏度)下的估计寿命(称为“保质期”)为5年。如果使用了连续使用的电池(在PLC电源关闭的情况下向存储电路供电)在室温下,预计平均寿命如下:只要PLC通电,其电池就不会被使用;因此,PLC断电的频率直接影响电池寿命。一些用户的PLC一直处于通电状态,而另一些用户则每晚关闭PLC。DEIF PCM5.1
DEIF PCM5.1Factors Affecting Battery Life Replacing your battery once per year is a good rule of thumb. However, no one can predict precisely how long a backup battery will last because this depends upon what CPU is used, what temperature it is subjected to, and how it used. Considering the following list of factors that affect battery life will help you decide how frequently to replace the battery in your application:A battery that is not in use has an estimated life (called its ”shelf life”) of 5 years at ”room temperature” (25 degrees C, or 77 degrees F).A battery that is used continuously (supplying current to memory circuits with PLC power off) if used at room temperature has an estimated average life as follows:As long as a PLC is powered up, its battery is not being used; so how often you power down your PLC has a direct affect on battery life. Some users keep their PLC powered up all of the time while others turn theirs off every night.DEIF PCM5.1
型号:DEIF PCM5.1控制模块
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