DEIF IOM5.1控制模块
DEIF IOM5.1控制模块如何使用PLC?电源是一直开着,还是每天都关闭?请参阅标题“影响电池寿命的因素”。Ŷ一些用户通过使用PROM选项之一在没有备用电池的情况下运行。请参阅下面的“无内存备用电池操作”一节,DEIF IOM5.1以确定此策略是否适合您的应用程序。备份程序的重要性无论您使用何种策略来维护PLC内存,都应始终保留应用程序的最新备份副本。其他有助于减少停机时间的建议:Ŷ确保备份副本可供需要使用的人随时使用。有关创建备份的信息,请参阅GE Fanuc的DEIF IOM5.1控制模块s软件用户手册。该程序也包含在适用的GE Fanuc编程软件培训课程中。Ŷ确保合适的计算机配备GE Fanuc PLC编程软件,并可随时将备份程序加载到PLC。Ŷ创建书面备份过程。幸运的是,从备份副本恢复程序可能不是您经常会做的事情。因此,一些步骤很容易被放弃控制模块DEIF IOM5.1
How is the PLC used? Is power left on all the time, or is it shut down every day? See the heading “Factors Affecting Battery Life.” Ŷ Some users run without a backup battery by using one of the PROM options. See the section below called “Operating Without a Memory Backup Battery” to determine if this strategy is suitable for your application. The Importance of Backing up Your Program Regardless of what strategy you use to maintain PLC memory, you should always keep an up-todate backup copy of your application program. Other suggestions to help minimize down time: Ŷ Make sure the backup copy is readily accessible to those who may need to use it. Ŷ Train more than one person to load the backup program in case that one person is not available when needed. Information on creating a backup can be found in GE Fanuc ’DEIF IOM5.1控制模块s software user’s manuals. This procedure is also covered in applicable GE Fanuc programming software training courses. Ŷ Ensure that a suitable computer is equipped with GE Fanuc PLC programming software and will be readily available to load the backup program to the PLC. Ŷ Create a written backup procedure. Fortunately, restoring your program from the backup copy is probably not something you will do very often. As a result, however, some of the steps could easily be forgotten.DEIF IOM5.1控制模块
型号:DEIF IOM5.1控制模块
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