B&R X20CP1584控制器模块
ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1接口模块用手指拆下盖。电池安装在盖子背面的夹子中。它有一对带有连接器的引线,该连接器插入电源内部电路板上的连接器。Ŷ用手指小心地伸入电池腔(不要使用金属物体)并拔下电池连接器。Ŷ从电池盖上的夹子中取出旧电池并将其放在一边。小心不要与新电池混淆。Ŷ用手指小心地伸入电池腔(不要使用金属物体)并插入新的电池连接器。Ŷ将新电池卡入电池盖上的夹子中。Ŷ将电池盖扣回到电源上。ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1电池更换/内存保护因素由于每个PLC应用程序都存在差异,每个用户都必须根据个人情况确定使用什么策略。在规划电池更换/内存保护策略时,需要考虑几个因素:Ŷ应用程序有多关键?如果PLC故障,会造成相当大的损失吗?如果是这样,频繁更换电池将是明智的选择。对于关键应用,与PLC关闭的成本相比,电池的成本将非常低ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1
Remove cover with fingers. The battery is mounted in a clip on the back of the cover. It has a pair of leads with a connector that is plugged-in to a connector on a circuit board inside the power supply. Ŷ Carefully reach into battery cavity with your fingers (do not use a metal object to do this) and unplug the battery connector.ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1Ŷ Remove the old battery from the clip on the battery cover and set it aside. Be careful not to mix it up with the new battery. Ŷ Carefully reach into battery cavity with your fingers (do not use a metal object to do this) and plug in new battery connector. Ŷ Clip new battery into clip on battery cover. Ŷ Snap battery cover back onto power supply.Battery Replacement/Memory Protection Factors Since there are differences in each PLC application, each user will have to determine on an individual basis what strategy to use. There are several factors to consider when planning a battery replacement/memory protection strategy: Ŷ How critical is the application? Will considerable loss be sustained if the PLC goes down? If so, frequent replacement of the battery would be a wise choice. For critical applications, the cost of a battery would be quite low in comparison to the cost of a PLC shut-downABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1
型号:B&R X20CP1584控制器模块
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