NI PXI-4060数字万用表卡
型号:NI PXI-4060
NI PXI-4060数字万用表卡中文资料:
NI PXI-4060数字万用表卡要订购升级套件,请从模块侧面的模块标识标签上写下模块的完整目录号,确定当前固件版本级别,然后致电PLC分销商。如果您不确定当前的固件版本,请参阅下一页的标题“确定CPU修订级别(版本)”。闪存固件升级程序通过将PC兼容计算机连接到适用的PLC串行端口并运行固件软盘附带的PC加载器软件来更新操作系统固件。用于此任务的计算机应为IBM AT兼容或更好的PC,至少具有640K RAM、NI PXI-4060一个3.5英寸或高密度5.25英寸软盘驱动器、MS-DOS版本3.3或更高版本、硬盘驱动器和RS-232串行端口。此外,还需要一个微型转换器/串行电缆。以下微型转换器/串行电缆套件可用:IC690ACC901,微型转换器套件(RS-232/RS-485),带电缆和9针至25针适配器。(此产品记录在附录D中。)确定CPU修订级别(版本)如果您计划对系统进行更改,您需要知道您的CPU是否支持这些更改。CPU的功能和功能由其版本级别(硬件和固件)决定。本节讨论可用于确定CPU的修订级别以及相关特性和功能的方法。NI PXI-4060
To order an upgrade kit, write down the full catalog number of your module from the module identification label on the side of the module, determine your current firmware revision level, then call your PLC distributor. If you are not sure what firmware version you currently have, see the heading on the next page “Determining CPU Revision Levels (Versions).” Flash Firmware Upgrade Procedure The operating system firmware is updated by connecting a PC compatible computer to the applicable PLC serial port and running the PC Loader software included with the firmware floppy disk. The computer used for this task should be an IBM AT compatible or better PC with a minimum 640K of RAM, one 3.5” or high density 5.25” floppy drive, MS-DOS version 3.3 or later, a hard drive, and an RS-232 serial port. In addition, a miniconverter/serial cable is required. The following miniconverter/serial cable kit is available:IC690ACC901, Miniconverter Kit (RS-232/RS-485) with cable and 9-pin to 25-pin adapter. (This product is documented in Appendix D.) Determining CPU Revision Levels (Versions) If you plan to make changes to your system, you will need to know if your CPU can support those changes. The features and capabilities of your CPU are determined by its revision levels (hardware and firmware). This section discusses methods that you can use to determine your CPU’s revision levels and associated features and capabilities.NI PXI-4060
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