ABB IIMCL01通信链路终端板
ABB IIMCL01通信链路终端板中文资料:
ABB IIMCL01通信链路终端板但是,如果基板必须位于离CPU机架布线距离超过50英尺的位置,则扩展基板将无法工作-必须使用远程基板。远程基板的限制是从CPU基板到最远的远程基板的布线距离为700英尺(213米)。如果我需要覆盖超过700英尺(213米)的区域,该怎么办?通过使用Series 90-30通信选项模块,您可以覆盖更远的距离。例如,Genius总线控制器模块(GBC)可以通过屏蔽双绞线电缆在7500英尺(2286米)的距离处进行通信,如下面的示例1所示。或者,使用RS-485标准与通信协处理器模块(CMM)的串行通信可以覆盖4000英尺(1219米),ABB IIMCL01如下面的示例2所示。调制解调器、电话线或无线电发射机可以实现几乎无限的通信距离。此外,还有许多可用的网络选项,如以太网或WorldFIP。本章仅讨论安装细节。有关产品的其他信息,如硬件说明和规格,请参见适用章节。重要提示:90-30系列PLC必须安装在保护外壳中。本章中所述的安装说明适用于无需针对噪声或危险环境的特殊程序的PLC安装。对于必须符合更严格要求(如CE标志)的安装,请参阅GFK-1179《符合标准的安装要求》。另请参阅GFK-0867,GE Fanuc产品机构批准、标准和通用规范。ABB IIMCL01
However, if a baseplate must be located where it requires a cabling distance from the CPU rack in excess of 50 feet, an Expansion baseplate will not work - a Remote baseplate must be used. The limit for a Remote baseplate is a cabling distance of 700 feet (213 meters) from the CPU baseplate to the farthest Remote baseplate What if I need to cover more than 700 feet (213 meters)? You can cover much greater distances by using Series 90-30 communications option modules. For example, Genius Bus Controller Modules (GBC) can communicate at distances up to 7,500 feet (2,286 meters) over a shielded twisted-pair cable, as shown in Example 1 below. Or, serial communications with Communications Coprocessor Modules (CMM) using the RS-485 standard can cover up to 4,000 feet (1,219 meters), as shown in Example 2 below. And virtually unlimited communication distances can be attained with modems and telephone lines or radio transmitters. Also, there are numerous networking options available such as Ethernet or WorldFIP.This chapter discusses installation details only. Other information about the products such as hardware descriptions and specifications, is covered in the applicable chapters. Important Note Series 90-30 PLCs must be mounted in a protective enclosure. The installation instructions described in this chapter apply to PLC installations that do not require special procedures for noisy or hazardous environments. For installations that must conform to more stringent requirements (such as CE Mark), see GFK-1179, Installation Requirements for Conformance to Standards. Also see GFK-0867, GE Fanuc Product Agency Approvals, Standards, General Specifications.ABB IIMCL01
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