ABB VBX01TA选择入口点单击此按钮可同时设置多个模拟。在对话框中,输入主过程的新名称,然后选择要包含在新模拟中的过程。单击确定。创建事件1。单击事件管理器。2.单击“添加”打开“新建事件向导”。3.完成新建事件向导以创建事件1任务窗格。在这里,您可以创建新事件,或复制或删除在事件网格中选择的现有事件。2事件网格。显示工作站中的所有事件。ABB VBX01TA在这里,您可以选择要编辑、复制或删除的事件。3触发器编辑器。在这里,您可以编辑事件触发器的财产。触发器编辑器的上部对于所有触发器都是相同的,而下部则适应所选的触发器类型。4动作编辑器。在这里,您可以编辑事件操作的财产。动作编辑器的上半部分对于所有动作都是相同的,而下半部分则适应所选的动作类型。ABB VBX01TA
Select entry point Click this button to set up several simulations at the same time. In the dialog box, enter a new name for the main procedure, and select the procedures to be included in the new simulation. Click OK. Creating an event 1. Click Event Manager. 2. Click Add to open the New Event Wizard. 3. Complete the New Event wizard to create the event 1 The Task pane. Here you create new events, or copy or delete existing events selected in the Event grid. 2 The Event grid. Displays all events in the station. Here you select events to edit, copy or delete. 3 The Trigger editor. Here you edit the properties of the events trigger. The upper part of the trigger editor is the same for all triggers, and the lower part adapts to the selected trigger type. 4 The Action editor. Here you edit the properties of the events action. The upper part of the action editor is the same for all actions, and the lower part adapts to the selected action type.