SIM-275D-24 200-582-200-011调节器
SIM-275D-24 200-582-200-011如果有多个对象要检查是否与ObjectsB节点中的对象(例如工具和机器人)发生冲突,请将所有对象拖到ObjectsA节点。3.将对象拖到ObjectsB节点以检查是否存在冲突。如果有多个对象要检查是否与ObjectsA节点中的对象(例如工件和夹具)发生碰撞,请将所有对象拖到ObjectsB节点先决条件要设置模拟,必须满足以下条件:•必须在工作站中至少创建了一条路径。•要模拟的路径必须已与虚拟控制器同步。设置模拟1。单击“仿真设置”以打开一个对话框。2.在选择活动任务框中,选择要在模拟中活动的任务。3.如果选择了单个控制器,请选择连续或单循环选项。4.从“可用程序”列表中,选择要在模拟中激活的程序并单击列表之间的左箭头按钮,将其转移到“主序列”列表中。SIM-275D-24 200-582-200-011(这将在主过程中创建过程调用)。5.要从实际Main过程以外的其他过程开始模拟(即,设置临时Main过程而不是覆盖当前过程),请单击“选择入口点”,然后指定要用作Main的过程。SIM-275D-24 200-582-200-011
SIM-275D-24 200-582-200-011调节器
If you have several objects you want to check for collisions with objects in the ObjectsB node, for example, the tool and the robot, drag all of them to the ObjectsA node. 3. Drag the objects to the ObjectsB node to check for collisions. If you have several objects you want to check for collisions with objects in the ObjectsA node, for example, the work piece and the fixture, drag all of them to he ObjectsB node Prerequisites To set up a simulation, the following conditions must be met: • At least one path must have been created in the station. • The paths to be simulated must have been synchronized to the virtual controller. Setting up a simulation 1. Click Simulation Setup to bring up a dialog box. 2. In the Select Active Tasks box, select the tasks to be active in the simulation. 3. If a single controller has been selected, select either the Continuous or Single Cycle option. 4. From the Available Procedures list, transfer the procedures to be active in the simulation to the Main Sequence lists by selecting them and clicking the left arrow button between the lists. (This creates a procedure call in the main procedure). 5. To start the simulation from another procedure than the actual Main procedure (that is, to set a temporary Main procedure instead of overwriting the current one), click Select entry point and then specify the procedure to use as Main.