FOXBORO FBM224 P0926PA控制器接下来要做什么要使工具准备好使用,请执行以下操作之一:•要使机器人握住工具,请将工具连接到机器人上。•在图形窗口中,检查TCP的位置和方向。如果不正确,请修改工具数据的工具框架部分中的值。•要简化所创建工具的未来使用,请将其保存为库。在“文件”菜单上,单击“另存为库”。浏览到要存储工具组件的文件夹,输入工具组件的名称,然后单击“保存”。模拟选项卡模拟选项卡包含用于设置、配置、控制、监视和记录模拟的控件。碰撞集包含两个组,即对象A和对象B,您可以在其中放置对象以检测它们之间的任何碰撞。当对象A中的任何对象与对象B中的任意对象碰撞时,碰撞将显示在图形视图中并记录在输出窗口中。桩号中可以有多个碰撞集,但每个碰撞集只能包含两个组。FOXBORO FBM224 P0926PA控制器创建碰撞集1。单击“创建碰撞集”以在布局浏览器中创建碰撞集。2.展开碰撞集,然后将其中一个对象拖动到ObjectsA节点以检查碰撞
What to do next To make the tool ready to use, do one of the following: • To make the robot hold the tool, attach the tool to the robot. • In the graphics window, check the position and orientation of the TCP. If it is incorrect, modify the values in the tool frame part of the tooldata. • To simplify future usage of the created tool, save it as a library. On the File menu, click Save As Library. Browse to the folder where you want to store the tool component, enter a name for the tool component and click Save. The Simulation tab The Simulation tab contains the controls for setting up, configuring, controlling, monitoring and recording simulations.A collision set contains two groups, Objects A and Objects B, in which you place the objects to detect any collisions between them. When any object in Objects A collides with any object in Objects B, the collision is displayed in the graphical view and logged in the output window. You can have several collision sets in the station, but each collision set can only contain two groups. Creating a collision set 1. Click Create Collision Set to create a collision set in the Layout browser. 2. Expand the collision set and then drag one of the objects to the ObjectsA node to check for collisions