B&R X20CP3586控制器
B&R X20CP3586限制类型指定关节可以移动到的每个方向上的限制。选项包括“常量”、“变量”和“编号”关节限制。该组在“常量”或“变量”模式下可见。最小限制指定最小关节限制。最大限制指定最大关节限制。关节限制该组在“常量”或“变量”模式下可见。可变限制在可变模式中,可以添加可变限制点作为限定移动区域的高级方式。将选定的点添加到点列表框中。删除单击此按钮从“点”列表框中删除选定点。“修改帧/工具数据”对话框帧/工具的数据节点确定帧的链接和位置B&R X20CP3586。帧/工具名称指定帧或工具数据的名称。属于链接指定框架或工具所属的链接。位置指定变换的位置。方向指定变换的方向。从目标/帧中选择值选择此框可从复选框下方的框中选择目标或帧中的值。工具数据如果机构是工具,则该组可见。质量指定工具的质量。重心指定工具的重心。惯性矩lx,ly,lz指定工具的惯性矩。B&R X20CP3586
B&R X20CP3586控制器
Limit Type Specifies the limits in each direction to which a joint may move. The options are Constant, Variable and No. Joint Limits This group is visible in Constant or Variable mode. Min Limit Specifies the minimum joint limit. Max Limit Specifies the maximum joint limit. Joint Limits This group is visible in Constant or Variable mode. Variable Limits In Variable mode, variable limit points may be added as an advanced way of delimiting the area of movement.Adds a selected point to the Point list box. Remove Click this button to remove a selected point from the Point list box.The Modify Frame/Tool Data dialog box A frame/tool data node determines the link and location of a frame.Frame/Tool Data name Specifies the name of the frame or tool data. Belongs to Link Specifies the link to which the frame or tool belongs. Position Specify the position of the transform. Orientation Specify the orientation of the transform. Select values from target/ Frame Select this box to select the values from a target or frame, which is selected in the box beneath the check box. Tool Data This group is visible if the mechanism is a tool. Mass Specifies the mass of the tool. Center of Gravity Specify the center of gravity of the tool. Moment of Inertia lx, ly, lz Specify the moment of inertia of the tool.