ABB 3BSE000863R0001 可控硅触发板
控制网络(DCN)。它提供实时通信。XQFWLRQDO8QLW功能单元是ABB Master指定的名称。它是一个不同软件功能的“包”,如PC元件、数据库元件和操作员站的人机界面+$57智能传感器连接协议(+highway$addressable5远程7传感器)。例如,可以传输测量范围、校准和其他维护数据+RWVWDQG E\5HGXQGDQF\热备用冗余是指系统组件在发生任何故障时由相同的硬件和软件备份的冗余。备份组件不与主要组件共享负载,2 I/O是进程、输入或2输出。从功能和地理分布的角度来看,过程I/O分为两大类:–中央(位于控制器附近)–分布式(在过程环境中),06,信息管理 control network (DCN). It provides real time communication. (6' (6'stands for(lectro6tatic 'ischarge. )XQFWLRQDO8QLW A functional unit is an ABB Master specified denomination. It is a “package” of different software functions such as PC elements, data base elements and man-machine interface for an operator station. +$57 A protocol for connection of intelligent transducers (+ighway$ddressable5emote 7ransducer). For example, measuring range, calibration and other maintenance data can be transferred. +RWVWDQGE\5HGXQGDQF\ Hot stand-by redundancy is redundancy where a system component is backed up by identical hardware and software in the event of any failure. The backup components do not load-share with primary components. ,2 I/O is process ,nput or 2utput. From the functional and geographical distribution viewpoint, process I/O is distinguished into two main categories: – Central (located close to the controller) – Distributed (in the process environment). ,06,nformation 0anagement
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