根据用户需求提供APS(全厂自动启停技术)技术解决方案,结合该电厂运行参数高,设备繁多,工艺系统关联性紧密,运行工况要求快速转变的需求,召集国内顶尖专家进行APS方案研讨会,确定了初步的APS技术方案。在调试过程中根据电厂的热力流程和设备运行实际工况,优化子系统控制流程及调整工况参数,从而使得整个机组能够在极少的人工干预下自动、安全地完成启动或停运,收到了电厂用户的好评。Its input is D1, D2, D3 and D4, and its output is S0 ~ S15, with a total of 16 points. If the output terminal of the control pin (S10 ~ ins4) can be connected to the output terminal of the control pin (S10 ~ ins4), that is, the output terminal of the control pin (S10) can be made to be effective by pressing the input terminal of the control pin (S10 ~ ins4). If INH = 1, no matter what kind of input D1 ~ D4, it will force S0 ~ S15 output state = 0.
The input signals of the 4-bit input points D1 ~ D4 can range from 0000 to 1111. There are 16 different input states. When INH = 0, each input will make the output of its corresponding output terminal = 1 (i.e. + 15V output). For example, when the input is 0000, its corresponding output point S0 = 1, while the output of other output points = 0. When the input is 0111, its corresponding output point S7 = 1, while the output of other output points = 0. When the input is 1111, its corresponding output point S15 = 1, while the output of other