B&R 8V1640.00-2伺服驱动模块
B&R 8V1640.00-2半径指定圆的半径。GeneratedPart指定生成的零件。GeneratedWire指定生成的导线对象。KeepGeometry False从生成的零件中删除几何数据。这可以使其他组件(如源)执行更快的信号描述更新设置为高(1)以更新生成的零件。ParametricCylinder ParametricCylinder生成一个圆柱体,其尺寸由半径和高度给定。ParametricLine ParametricLine生成具有给定端点或给定长度的线。如果其中一个发生更改,另一个将相应更新。LinearExtrusion linearExtrustion沿投影给定的向量挤出SourceFace或SourceWire。B&R 8V1640.00-2财产描述半径指定圆柱体的半径。高度指定圆柱体的高度。GeneratedPart指定生成的零件。KeepGeometry False从生成的零件中删除几何数据。这可以使其他组件(如Source)执行速度更快。信号描述更新设置为高(1)以更新生成的部件。B&R 8V1640.00-2
B&R 8V1640.00-2伺服驱动模块
Radius Specifies the radius of the circle. GeneratedPart Specifies the generated part. GeneratedWire Specifies the generated wire object. KeepGeometry False to remove the geometry data from the generated part. This can make other components such as Source execute faster Signals Description Update Set to high (1) to update the generated part.ParametricCylinder The ParametricCylinder generates a cylinder with the dimensions given by Radius and Height. ParametricLine The ParametricLine generates a line with a given end point or a given length. If either of them is changed, the other one will be updated accordingly. LinearExtrusion The LinearExtrusion extrudes SourceFace or SourceWire along the vector given by Projection. Properties Description Radius Specifies the radius of the cylinder. Height Specifies the height of the cylinder. GeneratedPart Specifies the generated part. KeepGeometry False to remove the geometry data from the generated part. This can make other components such as Source execute faster. Signals Description Update Set to high (1) to update the generated part.B&R 8V1640.00-2