ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000模拟输入
ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000添加或编辑动态特性“添加动态特性”对话框允许您创建新的动态特性或编辑现有特性。以下控件可用:属性标识符指定属性的标识符。标识符必须是字母数字,以字母开头,并且必须是唯一的。描述属性的详细描述。只读指示是否可以在GUI(如属性编辑器)中修改属性值。属性类型从允许的类型列表中指定属性的类型。属性值指定属性的值。ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000更改属性类型和/或属性时,将更新控件。属性允许您添加、删除和修改属性属性。以下列出了可用属性:•最小值•最大值•数量•滑块•自动应用注释!数字属性以SI单位指定。ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000
ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000模拟输入
Add or Edit Dynamic Property The Add Dynamic Property dialog box allows you to create a new dynamic property or edit an existing property. The following controls are available:Property Identifier Specifies an identifier for the property. The identifier must be alphanumeric, start with a letter and must be unique. Description Detailed description of the property. Read-only Indicates if the property value should be possible to modify in GUI such as the Property Editor. Property Type Specifies the type of the property from a list of allowed types. Property Value Specifies the value of the property. The control is updated when you change the property type and/or attributes. Attributes Allows you to add, remove, and modify property attributes. The following lists the available attributes: • MinValue • MaxValue • Quantity • Slider • AutoApply NOTE! Numeric attributes are specified in SI units.ABB AIN220 P-HB-AIN-22010000