ABB IPSYS01刀具公差控制刀具和工件之间的允许偏差。默认情况下,不启用公差,这意味着不允许任何偏差。启用公差(如果适用)可能会提高运动性能。例如,如果工具围绕其Z轴对称,则可以启用Rz公差而不影响生成路径的精度。刀具偏移设置刀具和路径之间的固定距离选择机器人在此框中选择要约束的机器人关节。机器人的关节显示机器人的关节及其约束权重。每个关节显示在其自己的行中。轴显示约束影响的轴。影响指定轴的运动受约束的程度。0表示锁定轴,而100表示相对于默认约束值没有约束。ABB IPSYS01TCP约束活动TCP此网格显示TCP的位置和旋转及其约束权重。启用选中此复选框可激活此TCP姿势的约束。
The tool tolerances control the allowed deviation between the tool and the work piece. By default, tolerances are not enabled, which means that no deviation is allowed. Enabling a tolerance, if applicable, might improve motion performance. For example, if the tool is symmetric around its Z axis, you can enable the Rz tolerance without affecting the accuracy of the generated paths. The tool offset sets a fixed distance between the tool and the paths Select Robot Select the robot’s joints to constrain in this box. Joints for Robot Displays the robot’s joints and their constraint weights. Each joint is presented in its own row. Axis Displays which axis the constraint affects. Influence Specify how much the motion for the axis is constrained. 0 means a locked axis, while 100 means no constraint relative to default constraint values. TCP Constraints Active TCP This grid displays the position and rotations of the TCP together with their constraint weights. Enable Select this check box to activate the constraint for this TCP pose.ABB IPSYS01