ABB IMRI002模块卡件
ABB IMRI002模块卡件选择应用程序语言选择要使用的语言。选择颜色主题选择要使用的颜色。显示红色/绿色/蓝色背景的位置编辑框如果要在修改对话框中以彩色背景显示位置框,请选中该复选框。默认值:选中。查看已安装的许可证密钥单击以查看每个功能、版本、类型、过期日期和状态的许可证。请求许可证单击以请求许可证。安装许可证单击以安装许可证。数量选择要更改单位的数量。单位选择数量的单位。显示小数输入要显示的小数位数。编辑小数输入修改时所需的小数位数。ABB IMRI002启用Windows错误报告选中此复选框可将错误数据直接发送到Microsoft服务器,由ABB支持下载和分析。仅在Windows XP或更高版本上可用。撤消/重做步骤数可以撤消或重做的操作数。降低此值可以减少内存使用。删除对象时显示确认对话框删除对象时发出警告。
ABB IMRI002Select application
Select the language to be used.
Select color theme Select the color to be used.
Display Position Edit
boxes with Red/Green/
Blue background
Select the check box if you want to display the position boxes
in the modify dialog boxes with colored background. Default
value: selected.
View installed license
Click to view the license keys per feature, version, type,
expiration date and status.
Request a license Click to request a license.
Install a license Click to install a license.
Quantity Select the quantity for which you want to change the units.
Unit Select the unit for the quantity.
Display decimals Enter the number of decimals that you want to be displayed.
Edit decimals Enter the number of decimals that you want when modifying.Enable Windows Error
Select this check box to send error data directly to a Microsoft
server to be downloaded and analyzed by ABB support.
Available only on Windows XP or later.ABB IMRI002Number of undo/redo
The number of operations that can be undone or redone.
Lowering this value can decrease memory usage.
Show acknowledge
dialog box when deleting
Warns when deleting objects.