ABB INICT12传输模块Station Viewer可以在未安装RobotStudio的计算机上以3D方式播放电台。它将桩号文件与三维查看桩号所需的文件打包在一起。它还可以播放录制的模拟。前提条件•适用于Windows XP SP2和Windows Vista•.NET Framework 2.0必须安装在播放计算机上创建和加载Station Viewer 1。要创建Station Viewer,请在“应用程序”菜单上单击“协作”。2.选择“将工作站另存为查看器”以打开一个对话框。3.指定文件名并另存为.exe文件。ABB INICT12注意!选择“启动时显示注释”选项,并在启动Station Viewer时在框中添加文本以查看注释。注意!选择“包括上次执行的模拟”选项以包括模拟的记录。默认情况下,此选项被禁用。4.要加载Station Viewer,请双击目标计算机上的包(.exe)文件。结果显示在“输出”窗口中,嵌入的桩号文件将自动加载并显示在三维视图中。ABB INICT12
ABB INICT12The Station Viewer can playback a station in 3D on computers that do not have RobotStudio
installed. It packages the station file together with files needed to view the station in 3D. It
can also play recorded simulations.
• Works on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista
• .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed on the playback computer
Creating and loading a Station Viewer
1. To create a Station Viewer, on the Application menu, click Collaborate.
2. Select Save Station as Viewer to bring up a dialog box.
3. Specify a file name and save as .exe file.ABB INICT12NOTE! Select the option Show comments on startup and add text in the box to view the
comment when the Station Viewer is started.
NOTE! Select the option Include last executed simulation to include a recording of the
simulation. By default this option is disabled.
4. To load a Station Viewer, double-click the package (.exe) file on the target computer.
The results are displayed in the Output window and the embedded station file is
automatically loaded and presented in a 3D view.