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ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元

ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元

ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元向下滚动到DriveModule1/Drive模块应用程序组并展开ABB标准操纵器选项。选择IRB 2400 A型选项,操纵器变型IRB 2400L A型4。向下滚动到DriveModule2/Drive模块应用程序组并展开ABB标准操纵器选项。选择IRB 1600选项,操纵器变型IRB 1600-5/1.2。5.单击“完成”,系统将被创建。...

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ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元

    ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元

    向下滚动到DriveModule1/Drive模块应用程序组并展开ABB标准操纵器选项。选择IRB 2400 A型选项,操纵器变型IRB 2400L A型4。向下滚动到DriveModule2/Drive模块应用程序组并展开ABB标准操纵器选项。选择IRB 1600选项,操纵器变型IRB 1600-5/1.2。5.单击“完成”,系统将被创建。在本例中,我们将使用系统生成器创建一个脱机系统,用于一个带有一个IRB1600机器人和一个IRBP 250D定位器外轴的新RobotStudio工作站。前提条件为定位器外部轴创建系统时,需要该特定定位器的媒体池和许可证密钥文件。在本例中,我们将为演示定位器使用媒体池和许可证密钥文件。文件和文件夹的路径假定RobotStudio和RobotWare媒体池已安装在Windows XP上的默认位置。如果没有,则相应地调整路径。

    Entering the controller key 1. Select the Virtual key check box. A virtual controller key now appears in the Controller Key box. In this example we will use the default media pool and RobotWare version. 2. Click Next to continue to the next page. Entering drive keys 1. Click the Right Arrow button next to the Enter Drive key box to create one drive key for the robot. 2. Click Next to continue to the next page. Adding options This is where we point out the key file for the positioner. 1. Next to the Enter key box, click the browse button and select the key file. In this example, browse to and select the file extkey TIP! In the MediaPool folder media pools for several standard positioners are installed. They are named by the positioner’s article number, with a suffix that indicates if it is configured for single-robot or MultiMove systems. 2. Click the Right Arrow button next to the Enter key box to add the key for the positioner. 3. Click Next and continue to the next page of the wizard.

    GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)



    型号:ABB SS822 3BSC610042R1电源模块单元



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