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ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块

ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块

ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块完成修改控制器系统向导要完成该向导,请执行以下步骤:1。阅读系统摘要。2.如果系统正常,请单击“完成”。如果系统不正常,请单击“上一步”并进行修改或更正。“结果修改”将在向导完成后生效。如果系统已下载到控制器,则必须在修改对控制器生效之前再次下载。删除系统要删除系统,请执行以下步骤:1。在“系统生成器”对话框中,选择系统,然后单击“删除”。复制系...

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ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块

    ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块

    完成修改控制器系统向导要完成该向导,请执行以下步骤:1。阅读系统摘要。2.如果系统正常,请单击“完成”。如果系统不正常,请单击“上一步”并进行修改或更正。“结果修改”将在向导完成后生效。如果系统已下载到控制器,则必须在修改对控制器生效之前再次下载。删除系统要删除系统,请执行以下步骤:1。在“系统生成器”对话框中,选择系统,然后单击“删除”。复制系统要复制系统,请执行以下步骤:1。在“系统生成器”对话框中,选择系统,然后单击“复制”以打开一个对话框。2.输入新系统的名称和路径,然后单击“确定”。将从system Builder启动“从备份创建系统向导”,该向导将从控制器系统备份创建新系统。此外,您还可以更改程序版本和选项。启动向导要启动向导,请执行以下步骤:1。在System Builder对话框中,单击从备份创建。这将启动向导。2.阅读欢迎页面上的信息,然后单击下一步。

    Complete the Modify Controller System wizard To complete the wizard, follow these steps: 1. Read the system summary. 2. If the system is OK, click Finish. If the system is not OK, click Back and make modifications or corrections. Result Modifications will take effect when the wizard is completed. If the system has been downloaded to a controller, it must be downloaded again before the modifications will take effect on the controller. Deleting a system To delete a system, follow this steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, select the system and then click Delete.Copy a system To copy a system, follow these steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, select the system and then click Copy to bring up a dialog box. 2. Enter a name for the new system and a path, and then click OK.The Create System from Backup Wizard, which creates a new system from a controller system backup, is launched form the System Builder. In addition, you can change the program revision and options. Starting the wizard To start the wizard, follow these steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, click Create from Backup. This starts the wizard. 2. Read the information on the welcome page and click Next.

    GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)



    型号:ABB SB822 3BSE018172R1卡件模块



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