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ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器

ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器

ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器如果要修改参数数据或向主目录中添加文件或从主目录中删除文件,请单击“下一步”。添加或删除参数数据参数数据存储在参数数据文件(.cfg文件)中。每个参数主题都有自己的参数文件。每个主题只能添加一个参数文件。要添加或删除参数数据,请执行以下步骤:1。要添加参数数据,请在“参数数据”框中输入参数数据文件的文件夹路径。也可以单击“浏览”按钮并浏览到文件夹。...

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ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器

    ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器


    If you want to modify parameter data or add files to or remove files from the home directory, click Next. Adding or removing parameter data Parameter data is stored in the parameter data files (.cfg files). each parameter topic has its own parameter file. You can add only one parameter file for each topic. To addor remove parameter data, follow these steps: 1. To add parameter data, in the Parameter data box, enter the path to the folder for the parameter data files. You can also click the Browse button and browse to the folder. 2. In the list of parameter data files, select the file you want to include and press the Arrow button. Repeat for all files you want to include. The included parameter data files will now appear in the Added parameter data files list. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each parameter data file you want to add. 3. To remove parameter data, in the Added parameter data files list, select the parameter data file to remove. 4. Click Remove.Choose whether you want to create the system as it is now, or to continue with the wizard. If you want to create the system as it is now, click Finish. If you want to add to or remove files from the home directory, click Next.

    GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)



    型号:ABB TC513 3BSE006385R1变频器



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