用户授权由控制器管理,这意味着无论控制器正在运行哪个系统,UAS设置都将保留给控制器。这也意味着UAS设置适用于与控制器通信的所有工具,如RobotStudio Online或FlexPendant。UAS设置定义了可以访问控制器的用户和组,以及授予他们访问权限的操作。有关过程,请参阅第354页的用户帐户。用户在UAS中,用户是用户登录控制器的帐户。此外,用户被添加到授予访问权限的组中。用户在控制器中由用户名和密码定义。要登录到控制器,用户必须键入具有正确密码的定义用户名。用户可以在UAS中激活或停用状态。当用户被停用时,无法使用该帐户登录控制器。激活和停用用户的是UAS管理员。
The user authorization is managed by the controller, which means that the UAS settings
remain for the controller regardless of which system it is running. It also means that the UAS
settings apply to all tools for communicating with the controller, like RobotStudio Online or
the FlexPendant. The UAS settings defines the users and groups that can access the controller,
and what actions they are granted access to.
For procedures, see User Accounts on page 354.
In UAS users are accounts with which persons log on to the controller. Furthermore, the users
are added to groups to which access grants are given.
The users are defined in the controller by a user name and a password. For logging on to a
controller, the user must type in a defined user name with a correct password.
A user can either have the state activated or deactivated in the UAS. When a user is
deactivated it is not possible to log on to the controller using that account. It is the UAS
administrator that activates and deactivates the users.