TRICONEX 4000103-510N通信总线
所有到远程控制器的TCP和UPD连接都是由PC启动的,也就是说,控制器只在给定的源端口和地址上响应。注意!RobotStudio使用当前的Internet选项、HTTP和代理设置来检索有关RobotStudio产品和活动的最新公共信息(RobotStudio新闻)。连接到控制器1。确保电脑已连接到控制器的服务端口,并且控制器正在运行。2.在“应用程序”菜单上,指向“联机”,然后单击“一键连接”。3.在联机选项卡4中选择控制器。单击请求写入访问。如果可用,您现在将获得写入访问。手动FlexPendant上的消息框将允许您授予对RobotStudio Online的远程写访问权限。概述本节介绍控制器的用户授权系统(UAS),该系统限制不同用户对机器人的操作。这是为了保护数据和功能免受未经授权的使用。
All TCP and UPD connections to remote controllers are initiated by the PC, that is the
controller only responds on the given source port and address.NOTE!
RobotStudio uses the current Internet Options, HTTP, and proxy settings to retrieve latest
public information on the Robotics products and activities (RobotStudio News).
Connecting to the controller
1. Make sure the PC is connected to the controller's service port and that the controller is
2. On the Application menu, point to Online and then click One Click Connect.
3. Select the controller in the Online tab
4. Click Request Write access.Auto You will now get Write Access if it is available.
Manual A message box on the FlexPendant will allow you to grant
remote Write Access to RobotStudio Online.Overview
This section describes the controller's User Authorization System (UAS), which restricts
what different users are allowed to do with the robot. This is for protecting data and
functionality from unauthorized use.