ABB DSQC248 3HAA3563-AAA控制器模块
Modifying the TCP constraints
The joint influence controls the balance of how much the robots will use their joints.
Decreasing the weight value for one axis will restrict the motion for this axis, while increasing
it will promote motion on this axis relative to alternative axes.
1. On the Simulation tab, click the Motion Behavior tab.
2. Expand the TCP Constraints group by clicking its title bar.
The directions and rotations in which you can constrain the TCP’s motion are now
displayed in the grid
3. For each pose you want to constrain, select the Enable check box and specify the
constraint values (location in the TCP coordinate system). To use the values from the
current TCP position, click Pick from TCP.
4. Optionally, adjust the Weight value for the constraint. A low value results in a harder
constraint, while a high value allows a larger deviation.