ABB DSQC208A YB560103-AS机器人配件
Additional actions
In addition to using the functions that calculate and create optimized MulitMove paths, you
can program MulitMove manaully using a combination of the ordinary programming tools in
RobotStudio and a set of tools specific for MultiMove programming.
The main actions for programming MulitMove manually are outlined below. Not all actions
might be necessary, but the order in which they shall be carried out depends on the contents
of the station and your goals reating Tasklists and
This data specifies the tasks and paths that shall be synchronized with each other. See The Create Tasklist tool on
page 218 and The Create Syncident tool on page 218,
Adding and updating ID
arguments to the instructions to
To add IDs to the intructions, you can use one of the
following methods:
Using The Recalculate ID tool on page 217 to add and
update IDs for instructions in paths that already are synchronized.
Using The Convert path to MultiMove path tool on page
218 to add IDs to instructions in paths that have not yet
been synchronized.