GE IC698CPE010中央处理器
Optionally, in the Information text box, enter a comment to the instruction.
4. Click Create. The instruction description appears in the tree view, and its settings are
displayed in the grid.
After changing the settings (if necessary), click Apply Changes in the bottom of the grid
5. Continue with creating templates for the instruction description,RobotStudio has several functions for testing how robots reach and move to targets. They are
useful both for finding the optimal layout when building a station and during programming.
Below are brief descriptions of the functions for testing reachability and motions.
Checking reachability
The check reachability function displays whether the robot can reach selected targets and
motion instructions by changing the frames’ colors in the graphic view. Reachable frames are
colored green, unreachable red, and frames with reachable positions but not with current
orientation are colored yellow.The reachability check is useful when building the station, since the reachability of several
targets are displayed at once.