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ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件

ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件

ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件有关控制I/O信号的说明的详细信息,请参阅RAPID参考手册。要添加设置I/O信号的RAPID指令,请执行以下步骤:1。同步要将指令添加到虚拟控制器的系统,请参阅第120页的同步。2.在编程模式下,选择要编辑的模块,右键单击该模块,然后单击编辑程序。3.在程序编辑器中,添加设置信号的说明。4.添加指令完成后,将任务和从虚拟控制器返回工作站的路...

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ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件

    ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件


    See the RAPID reference manual for details about the instructions that control I/ O signals. To add RAPID instructions that set I/O signals, follow these steps: 1. Synchronize the system in which you want to add the instructions to the virtual controller, see Synchronization on page 120. 2. In programming mode, select the module for editing, right-click it and then click Edit program. 3. In the program editor, add the instructions for setting the signals. 4. When you are done adding instructions, synchronize the task and paths from the Virtual Controller back to the station.Using cross-connections and groups for setting I/O signals You can also create cross-connections and signal groups, which make one signal set the value of several other signals. See the System parameters reference manual for details about crossconnections and groups. To make one signal set several others, follow these steps: 1. Request write access, and then open the configuration topic I/O in the configuration editor. Add configure instances for the cross-connections and groups to create. Instruction templates Instruction templates contain predefined sets of argument values that are applied to the instructions you create using the template. You can create templates for all instructions in the system running on the virtual controller. To see which instructions are available and what their arguments do, see the RAPID reference manual for your RobotWare version and the reference sections in manuals for software options

    GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)



    型号:ABB DSPC454 57310303-F3机器人配件



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