MOTOROLA 84-W8403F01D处理器模块
you can start the Program Editor. See Using the RAPID
editor on page 121.
Collision detection Check that the robot or tool does not collide with the
surrounding equipment or the fixtures. If it does, adjust the
placements or orientations until no collisions occur. See
Detecting collisions on page 127.
Test the program Test the program by moving along the paths.Creating a workobject
A workobject is a coordinate system used to describe the position of a work piece. The
workobject consists of two frames: a user frame and an object frame. All programed positions
will be related to the object frame, which is related to the user frame, which is related to the
world coordinate system.Modifying a workobject
For a procedure, see Modify Workobject on page 408.
Converting a frame to a workobject
You can create a new workobject from an existing frame. The converted workobject gets the
same name and position as the selected frame.
For a procedure, see Convert Frame to Workobject on page 382.
Creating a frame by points
You can create a frame by specfiying points on the axes of the coordinate system and letting
RobotStudio calulate the placement and orientation of the frame’s origin.