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TRICONEX 3008N主处理器

TRICONEX 3008N主处理器

TRICONEX 3008N主处理器确保将Robot保持工具选项设置为false。3.创建由机器人移动的工作对象。请参见第199页的训练主题。确保将Robot保持工作对象选项设置为true。4.如果您有工件的几何或库组件,请将其连接到机器人设置对象的本地原点概述每个对象都有一个自己的坐标系,称为本地坐标系,在该坐标系中定义对象尺寸。当从其他坐标系引用对象的位置时,使用的是该坐标系的原点。使用“设置...

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TRICONEX 3008N主处理器

    TRICONEX 3008N主处理器


    Make sure to set the Robot holds tool option to false. 3. Create a workobject that is moved by the robot. see Workobject on page 199. Make sure to set the Robot holds workobject option to true. 4. If you have a geometry or library component for the work piece, attach it to the robot Setting the local origin of an object Overview Each object has a coordinate system of its own called local coordinate system in which the object dimensions are defined. When the object’s position is referred from other coordinate system, it is the origin of this coordinate system that is used. With the Set Local Origin command you reposition the object’s local coordinate system, not the object itself.To achieve the required layout of your station, you need to import or create objects, place them accordingly and, if applicable, attach them to other objects. Placing objects means setting their position and rotation. If the objects are to be attached to robots or other mechanisms, they will be placed at their attachment point automatically.The following table describes the actions relating to placement: Actions Description Placing an object To place an object is to put the object in the required position in the station, see Place on page 411 and Set Position on page 421. Rotating an object The objects in the station can be rotated to achieve the required layout, see Rotate on page 417. Measuring distance or amgles The measurement functions calculates distances, angles and diameters between points you select from the graphics window. When using measurements, results and instructions on how to proceed are displayed in the Output window

    GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)         GE DS3820DMCB涡轮机控制板(图1)



    型号:TRICONEX 3008N主处理器



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