注意!现在,两个系统(系统1和系统2)都使用相同的输送机库,并且系统2先前引用的库被从站移除。5.修改机器人(系统2)的基架位置。1.将机械装置(机器人)移动到新位置。2.请参见第370页的更新基架位置,以更新机器人的基架位置。3.重复步骤1和2以修改机器人的基架位置。4.在System Configuration(系统配置)窗口中,单击OK(确定)。当被问及是否要重新启动系统时,请回答Yes(是)。关闭“系统配置”窗口。本节描述当两个机器人系统具有不同的任务帧位置但使用相同的同步开关时会发生什么。这意味着两个机器人系统中的输送机机械单元的基架具有不同的值。前提条件两个具有输送机跟踪选项的机器人系统(系统1和系统2)注意!请参见第287页上的创建输送机机制,以创建输送机跟踪系统。
NOTE! Now both systems (system 1 and system 2) use the same conveyor library and the
library previously referenced by system 2 is removed from the station.
5. Modify the baseframe positions of robot (system 2).
1. Move the mechanical unit (robot) to its new location.
2. See Updating the baseframe position on page 370to update the baseframe position of
the robot.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to modify the baseframe position of the robot.
4. In the System Configuration window, click OK. When asked if you want to restart
the system, answer Yes. Close the System Configuration window.This section describes what happens when two robot systems have different task frame
positions but uses the same sync switch. This means the Baseframes of the conveyor
mechanical units in both the robot systems have different values.Prerequisites
Two robot systems with conveyor tracking option (system 1 and system 2)
NOTE! See Create Conveyor mechanism on page 287 to create conveyor tracking systems.