•1400-匹配文件名或任何元数据中的字符串1400的文档。•非作者:ABB-匹配作者字段不包含字符串ABB的文档。•大小>1000且日期<1/2009-匹配大于1000KB且在2009年1月1日之前修改的文档。•IRBP comments=“ABB Internal”-在文件名或任何元数据中使用字符串IRBP匹配文档,其中注释字段等于ABB Internal。使用浏览模式1。从“文档管理器”窗口中选择“浏览”。将显示文档位置的文件夹结构。注意!文件夹结构的顶层列出了配置的位置。如果某个位置不可用(例如,脱机网络路径),则该位置标记为不可用,无法打开。文本框显示当前文件夹相对于位置根的路径。2.您可以通过以下两种方式之一打开文件夹:•双击文档位置。•右键单击文档位置,然后从上下文菜单中选择“打开”。3.您可以通过以下两种方式之一浏览文件夹:•单击右上角的文件夹图标。•从下拉列表中选择父文件夹。4.单击文本框中的“刷新”图标,手动刷新文件夹的内容。
• 1400 - Matches documents with the string 1400 in the filename or any metadata.
• not author:ABB - Matches documents where the author field does not contain the
string ABB.
• size>1000 and date<1/2009 - Matches documents larger than 1000KB and modified
before 1/1/2009.
• IRBP comments="ABB Internal" - Matches documents with the string IRBP in the
filename or any metadata, and where the comment field equals ABB Internal.Using the Browse mode
1. Select Browse from the Document Manager window.
A folder structure of the document location is displayed.
The top level of the folder structure lists the configured locations. If a location is
unavailable (for example, an offline network path) it is marked as Unavailable and cannot
be opened. The text box displays the path of the current folder relative to the location root.
2. You can open a folder in either of the two ways:
• Double-click the document location.
• Right-click the document location and select Open from the context menu.
3. You can navigate through the folders in either of the two ways:
• Click the folder icon at the top-right corner.
• Select the parent folder from the dropdown list.
4. Click Refresh icon in the text box to manually refresh the contents of the folder.