ABB IEPMU02系列机械保护装置
No existing files or stations are harmed in
Reduced Functionality mode. After activating your software, you will have full functionality
for the features you have purchased.
Activation is not required for the Online features for programming, configuring, and
monitoring a real controller connected over Ethernet.Activate automatically over the Internet or manually
The Activation Wizard gives you two choices on how to proceed.
Automatic activation by using the Internet (recommended)
Once you have selected the option I want to activate RobotStudio over the Internet, the
Activation Wizard automatically contacts the ABB licensing servers over your Internet
connection. If you are using a valid Activation Key that has not exceeded the number of
installations allowed, your product is activated immediately.When you activate over the Internet, your activation request is sent to ABB. Your license will
then be automatically installed and your product ready for use. If you choose to activate over
the Internet but are not currently connected, the wizard alerts you that there is no connection.