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选择“最小”、“完成”或“自定义”选项,然后按照安装向导中的说明进行操作。9.现在,安装RobotWare。在安装菜单上,单击RobotWare。这将打开一个安装向导,指导您完成RobotWare的其余安装。注意!步骤10和11是可选的。继续安装Track媒体池。在“安装产品”菜单上,单击“其他选项”。这将打开一个文件浏览器,其中显示Track mediapool安装和其他可用选项。11.双击TrackMotion文件夹,然后单击文件setup.exe以启动安装向导并继续。12.安装RobotStudio后,继续激活RobotStudio。注意!RobotStudio在30天的试用期内无需激活即可使用高级功能。最小安装或完整或自定义安装的基本功能不需要激活。
Select the options Minimal, Complete, or Custom and follow the instructions in the
installation wizard.
9. Now, install RobotWare.
On the installation menu, click RobotWare. This opens an installation wizard, which
guides you through the rest of the RobotWare installation.NOTE! Steps 10 and 11 are optional. Proceed with installing the Track mediapool.
On the Install products menu, click Additional Options. This opens a file browser that
displays the Track mediapool installation and other available options.
11. Double-click the TrackMotion folder and then the file setup.exe to start the installation
wizard and proceed.
12. After installing RobotStudio, proceed with activating RobotStudio.
NOTE! RobotStudio works with Premium functionality without activation during a 30
days trial period. Activation is not required for Minimal installation, or for Basic functionality of the Complete or Custom installation.