ABB B5EC HENF105077R1控制冗余通道卡件
A sequence of move instructions, paths are used to make the robot move along a sequence of
Paths are converted to procedures when synchronized to the virtual controller.
Move instructions
A move instruction consists of:
• a reference to a target
• motion data, such as motion type, speed and zone
• a reference to a tooldata
• a workobject reference
Action instructions
An action instruction is a RAPID string that can be used for setting and changing parameters.
Action instructions can be inserted before, after or between instruction targets in paths.Overview
This section gives a short introduction to coordinate systems that are often used for offline
programming. In RobotStudio, you can use all coordinate systems described below, as well
as user-defined coordinate systems, for relating objects and elements to each other.
The coordinate systems relate to each other hierarchically, where the origin of each
coordinate system is defined as a position in one of its ancestries. Below are descriptions of
commonly used coordinate systems, starting at the top of the hierarchy