GE IC693CMM311S自动编程
Terminology of the RAPID structure
The table below describes the RAPID terminology that you may come across when working
with RobotStudio. The concepts are listed by size, from most basic to increasingly large.Data declaration Used to create instances of variables or data types, like num or
Instruction The actual code commands that make something happen, for
example, setting data to a specific value or a robot motion.
Instructions can only be created inside a routine.
Move instructions Create the robot motions. They consist of a reference to a target
specified in a data declaration along with parameters that set
motion and process behavior. If inline targets are used, the
position is declared in the move instructions.
Action instruction Instructions that perform other actions than moving the robot,
such as setting data or sync properties.
Routine Usually a set of data declarations followed by a set of instructions implementing a task. Routines can be divided into three
categories: procedures, functions and trap routines