在内容框架中,您将获得以下信息:•主机–所选主机为主动(主)或被动(备份或未配置);与冗余主机的通信正常或受到干扰。–PROFIBUS线路A和B的状态–PROFIBUS主设备的状态。它可以处于停止、清除或操作模式。•从属设备–DataExchange中所有从属设备的列表。–具有诊断数据的所有从属设备的列表。–CI854/CI854A上配置的所有从设备列表。主设置使用此功能查看CI854/CIL854A PROFIBUS主设备中当前加载的设置。在内容框中,您将获得以下信息:要获取当前看门狗时间,请选择SlaveConfig。从属诊断使用此功能查看从属单元中当前存在的诊断。在输入对话框中,输入要读取诊断数据的从属设备的节点地址。在内容框中,您将获得以下信息:如果设置了Ext_Diag_Overflow(激活时显示在工作站状态中),则从单元当前具有的诊断信息比通过PROFIBUS诊断所指示的更多。在这种情况下,活动诊断字节数超过了从设备的GSD文件中定义的Max_Diag_Data_Len。
In the content frame you will get information about:
• Master
– Selected master is active (primary) or passive (backup or not configured);
the communication to the redundant master is ok or disturbed.
– Status of PROFIBUS Line A and B.
– Status of PROFIBUS master. It can be in Stop, Clear or Operate mode.
• Slaves
– List of all slaves that are in DataExchange.
– List of all slaves that have diagnostic data.
– List of all slaves that are configured on CI854/CI854A.MasterSettings
Use this function to see which settings are currently loaded in the CI854/CI854A
PROFIBUS master unit. In the content frame you will get the following
information:To get the current watchdog time please select SlaveConfig.
Use this function to see which diagnostics are currently present in the slave unit. In
the input dialog enter the node address for the slave device you would like to read
the diagnostic data for. In the content frame you will get the following information:If Ext_Diag_Overflow is set (shown in the stations state when active) then the slave
unit has currently more diagnostics than it can indicate via the PROFIBUS
diagnosis. In this case the number of active diagnosis bytes exceeds
Max_Diag_Data_Len that is defined in the GSD file of the slave.