RELIANCE S-D4006处理器模块
连接错误CI854/CI854A主机与从机之间的通信由主机和从机两个单元监控。在发生错误的情况下,主机和从机侧将发生特定反应。另请参阅第25页的监控DP-V0通信。如果CI854/CI854A主设备检测到与从设备的通信中断,则特定从设备将显示错误“连接断开”。AC 800M控制器停止复制输入数据,并激活相关变量的ISP(预设输入设置)控制。在“连接关闭”期间,错误/警告和报警/事件的状态不会改变。如果重新建立连接,状态将更新。如果从单元检测到与主单元失去通信,则激活相关输出通道的OSP(输出设置为预定)控制。
Connection Error
The communication between the CI854/CI854A master and the slave is monitored
by both units, the master and the slave. In case of an error, specific reactions on the
master and the slave side will take place. Please refer also to Monitoring the DP-V0
Communication on page 25.
If the CI854/CI854A master unit detects the loss of communication with the slave
unit the error “Connection down” will be indicated for the specific slave. The
AC 800M controller stops the copying of input data and activates ISP (Input Set as
Predetermined) control for the related variables. During “Connection down” the
status for Error/Warning and Alarm/Event will not change. If the connection gets reestablished the status will be updated.
If the slave unit detects the loss of communication with the master unit it activates
the OSP (Output Set as Predetermined) control for the related output channels.