ABB REG216保护器模块
如果从机是模块化的,如S800 I/O和S900 I/O,则必须为所需功能添加子单元。右键单击要插入I/O模块的从属单元,然后选择插入单元。将弹出“插入单位”对话框。您可以在关闭对话框之前插入所有子单元。为从属单元添加冗余如果从属单元已配置并以单一模式运行,则可以添加冗余。1.右键单击要添加冗余的单元,然后选择冗余>添加冗余单元。2.图标变为冗余图标,文本用括号内的备份位置更新(见图9)。备份单元的位置将自动计算(另请参阅第28页的从属冗余)。备用模块的位置由主模块位置的固定偏移量+64给出。
If the slave is a modular one like S800 I/O and S900 I/O you have to add subunits for the required functionality. Right-click on the slave unit you want to
insert the I/O-modules and select Insert Unit. The Insert Unit dialog pops up.
You can insert all sub-units before closing the dialog.Add Redundancy for Slave Unit
If the slave is already configured and running in single mode you can add
1. Right-click on the unit you want to add the redundancy and select
Redundancy > Add Redundant Unit.
2. The icon changes to the redundancy icon and the text is updated with backup
position within parenthesis (see Figure 9). The position for the backup unit will
be calculated automatically (see also Slave Redundancy on page 28). The
position of the backup module is given by the fixed offset of +64 to the position
of the primary module.