下载并成功配置后,将监控备份单元的可用性。这包括通过PROFIBUS和CEX总线平衡当前数据和通信链路。如果没有错误,主单元和备用单元上的DUAL LED将点亮。如果备用装置未准备好接管,两个装置上的DUAL LED将熄灭。该错误将显示在机组状态中,在这种情况下,将禁止潜在的冗余切换。执行切换的原因是,例如,由于检测到主CI854A本身的布线问题或“致命错误”,主设备失去了与所有连接的从设备的通信“所有从设备故障”。PROFIBUS主冗余仅受CI854A支持,而不受CI854支持。您还必须使用PM861A、PM864A或PM865型AC 800M控制器来驱动冗余。如果CI854A配置为冗余,看门狗时间将自动增加1000 ms。这是在从属设备激活OSP(输出设置为预定)控制之前允许CI854A进行切换所必需的。
After download and successful configuration the availability of the backup unit is
monitored. This includes the balancing of current data and the communication links
via PROFIBUS and CEX-Bus as well. In case of no error the DUAL LEDs on
primary and backup unit will be lit. If the backup unit is not ready to takeover the
DUAL LEDs will get off on both units. The error will be indicated in the unit status
and a potential redundancy switchover will be inhibited in this case.
Reasons to perform a switchover are for example that the primary unit has lost the
communication to all connected slaves “All slaves failed” because of for example a
cabling problems or a “Fatal error” on the primary CI854A itself was detected.The PROFIBUS master redundancy is only supported by CI854A and not CI854.
You also have to use the AC 800M controller type PM861A, PM864A or PM865
to drive the redundancy.
If the CI854A is configured for redundancy the watchdog time will be increased
automatically by 1000 ms. This is needed to allow the CI854A a switchover
before the slaves will activate OSP (Output Set as Predetermined) control.