FANUC A06B-6151-H030主轴放大器模块
本附录列出了程序员可以用来构建应用程序的示例代码库。这些文件位于CD 320-500077-000上的目录“\sample code”中,标记为“Windows驱动程序”,随VMIVME-7750一起提供。这些文件不提供保修。所有源代码都是2001年,VMIC公司。目录\VME此目录包含用于设置具有一个PCI到VME窗口的Universe IIB芯片的代码,并使Universe IIA寄存器能够从VMEbus访问以允许邮箱访问。目录\fpga此目录包含用于测试VMIC设计的fpga功能的代码,如计时器、SRAM控制器和看门狗计时器。目录\i2c此目录包含演示如何使用超级I/O组件中的i2c控制器发送数据的代码,以及如何操作i2c多路复用器,该多路复用器用于将超级I/O的i2c引导回VME背板。目录\ include此目录包含编译几个示例代码应用程序所需的通用文件。目录\max1617此目录包含演示如何从VMIVME-7750上的max1617设备读取温度的代码。This appendix provides listings of a library of sample code that the programmer may
utilize to build applications. These files are provided in the directory “\sample code”
on CD 320-500077-000, labeled “Windows Drivers”, included with the VMIVME-7750.
These files are provided without warranty. All source code is 2001, VMIC
Directory \VME
This directory contains code used to setup the Universe IIB chip with one PCI-to-VME
window and enable Universe IIB registers to be accessed from the VMEbus to allow
mailbox access.
Directory \fpga
This directory contains code used to test the functions of the VMIC-designed FPGA
such as timers, SRAM controller and Watchdog Timer.Directory \i2c
This directory contains code that demonstrates how to send data using the I2
controller in the super I/O component, and also how to manipulate the I2
C mux
which is used to direct the super I/O’s I2
C back to the VME backplane.
Directory \include
This directory contains common files required to compile several of the sample code
Directory \max1617
This directory contains code that demonstrates how to read the temperatures from the
max1617 device on the VMIVME-7750.