GE 8106-TI-RT系统电源模块
已安装O/S使用此功能选择要与系统一起使用的操作系统。重置配置数据如果要清除扩展系统配置数据,请选择是。默认值为“否”。启用缓存可提高处理器的速度。当CPU请求数据时,系统将所请求的数据从主DRAM传输到高速缓冲存储器中,在CPU处理之前,将其存储在高速缓冲存储器。默认值为Enabled(已启用)。Large Disk Access Mode(大型磁盘访问模式)Large Disk访问模式的选项为UNIX Novell Netware或其他。如果您正在安装新软件,但驱动器出现故障,请更改此选项,然后重试。不同的操作系统需要不同的驱动器几何图形表示。默认为DOS。本地总线IDE适配器启用或禁用集成的本地总线IDE接口。选项包括:禁用、主要、次要或两者。默认值为“两者”。
Installed O/S
Use this feature to select the operating system to use with your system.
Reset Configuration Data
Select Yes if you want to clear the extended system configuration data. The default is
Cache Memory
Enabling the cache memory enhances the speed of the processor. When the CPU
requests data, the system transfers the requested data from the main DRAM into the
cache memory where it is stored until processed by the CPU. The default is Enabled.Large Disk Access Mode
The options for the Large Disk Access Mode are UNIX Novell Netware or Other.
If you are installing new software and the drive fails, change this selection and try
again. Different operating systems require different representations of drive
geometries. The default is DOS.
Local Bus IDE Adapter
This enables or disables the intergrated local bus IDE adapter. The options are:
Disabled, Primary, Secondary or Both. The default is Both.