GE DS3800HAIC1A1A控制主板卡件
键盘自动重复延迟(秒)如果启用了“键单击”,这将确定按住键时字符开始重复之前的延迟。选项有:1/4、1/2、3/4或1秒。默认值为1/2。键盘测试启用后,此功能将在启动期间测试键盘。系统内存“系统内存”字段仅供参考,用户不能修改。此字段显示系统中安装的基本内存。扩展内存“扩展内存”字段仅供参考,用户不能修改。此字段以KB为单位显示系统中安装的内存总量。扩展内存“扩展内存”字段仅供参考,用户不能修改。此字段显示系统中安装的内存总量(以MB为单位)。显示的扩展内存量将比安装的内存量少大约3兆字节。这是由于Intel GMCH芯片的图形功能使用了一部分内存,使得其他应用程序无法使用。
Keyboard Auto-Repeat Delay (sec)
If the Key Click is enabled, this determines the delay before a character starts
repeating when a key is held down. The options are: 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or 1 second. The
default is 1/2.
Keyboard Test
When enabled, this feature will test the keyboard during boot-up.
System Memory
The System Memory field is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified
by the user. This field displays the base memory installed in the system.
Extended Memory
The Extended Memory field is for informational purposes only and cannot be
modified by the user. This field displays the total amount of memory installed in the
system in Kbytes.
Extended Memory
The Extended Memory field is for informational purposes only and cannot be
modified by the user. This field displays the total amount of memory installed in the
system in Mbytes. The amount of extended memory shown will be approximately
3Mbytes less than the amount installed. This is due to the fact that the graphics
function of the Intel GMCH chip uses a portion of this memory making it unavailable
to other applications.