EMERSON KJ4001X1-BB1输入输出模块
更换步骤要更换电池,请执行以下操作:1。拆下旧电池。2.安装新电池,使加号(+)朝上。3.根据您所在国家的法律,以环境安全的方式处理旧电池。MART嵌入式计算文档本手册中引用了列出的文档。制造商文档有关更多信息,请参阅下表中的制造商数据表或用户手册。作为附加帮助,提供了所列文档的源。请注意,虽然这些来源已经过验证,但信息可能会随时更改,恕不另行通知。S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM闪存系列S29GL512N、S29GL256N、S29 GL128N 512兆位、256兆位和128兆位、仅3.0伏、采用110 nm MirrorBit工艺技术的页面模式闪存相关规范有关更多信息,有关相关规范,请参阅下表。作为附加帮助,提供了所列文档的源。请注意,虽然这些来源已得到核实,但信息可能会随时更改,恕不另行通知。
Exchange Procedure
To exchange the battery, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the old battery.
2. Install the new battery with the plus sign (+) facing up.
3. Dispose of the old battery according to your country’s legislation and in an
environmentally safe way.SMART Embedded Computing Documentation
The documentation listed is referenced in this manual.Manufacturers’ Documents
For additional information, refer to the following table for manufacturers’ data sheets or
user’s manuals. As an additional help, a source for the listed document is provided. Please
note that, while these sources have been verified, the information is subject to change
without notice.S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family
S29GL512N, S29GL256N, S29GL128N
512 Megabit, 256 Megabit, and 128 Megabit, 3.0 Volt-only Page Mode
Flash Memory featuring 110 nm MirrorBit process technology Related Specifications
For additional information, refer to the following table for related specifications. As an
additional help, a source for the listed document is provided. Please note that, while these
sources have been verified, the information is subject to change without notice.