在单个MVME7100上远程启动所使用的邮箱的选择由全局环境变量(GEV)的设置确定。默认邮箱为零。另一个GEV控制远程启动是启用(默认)还是禁用。有关远程启动GEV的定义,请参阅MOTLoad固件包用户手册中的远程启动附录。MVME7100的IBCA需要通过主机的VMEbus网桥进行适当映射。例如,要使用安装在插槽5中的MVME7100上的邮箱0远程启动,主机需要一个映射来支持VME CR/CSR空间(0x28000+0x7f610)中地址0x002ff610的读写。引导映像有效的引导映像,无论是POST、USER还是Alternate MOTLoad,都位于闪存上8MB的1MB边界上。图像大小可能超过1MB。通过存在两个有效的图像密钥和其他健全性检查,确定图像有效。有效的启动映像以下表中定义的结构开头:UserDefined unsigned integer 8 User defined ImageKey 1 unsigned integer 1 0x414c5420 ImageKey 2 unsigned整型1 0x424f4f54 ImageChecksum unsigned整数1 image checksum ImageSize unsigned整数1必须是4的倍数
The selection of the mailbox used by remote start on an individual MVME7100 is
determined by the setting of a global environment variable (GEV). The default mailbox is
zero. Another GEV controls whether remote start is enabled (default) or disabled. Refer to
the Remote Start appendix in the MOTLoad Firmware Package User's Manual for remote
start GEV definitions.
The MVME7100’s IBCA needs to be mapped appropriately through the master’s VMEbus
bridge. For example, to use remote start using mailbox 0 on an MVME7100 installed in slot
5, the master would need a mapping to support reads and writes of address 0x002ff610 in
VME CR/CSR space (0x280000 + 0x7f610).Boot Images
Valid boot images whether POST, USER, or Alternate MOTLoad, are located on 1MB
boundaries within the upper 8MB of flash. The image may exceed 1MB in size. An image
is determined valid through the presence of two valid image keys and other sanity checks.
A valid boot image begins with a structure as defined in the following table:UserDefined unsigned integer 8 User defined
ImageKey 1 unsigned integer 1 0x414c5420
ImageKey 2 unsigned integer 1 0x424f4f54
ImageChecksum unsigned integer 1 Image checksum
ImageSize unsigned integer 1 Must be a multiple of 4