ABB CP430T-ETH 1SBP260196R1001控制面板
Most MOTLoad test results (error-data/status-data) are logged, not printed. Test results are not preserved and therefore not available to user applications subsequent to their execution. All MOTLoad tests/commands have complete and separate descriptions (refer to the MOTLoad Firmware Package User’s Manual for this information). All devices that are available to MOTLoad for validation/verification testing are represented by a unique device path string. Most MOTLoad tests require the operator to specify a test device at the MOTLoad command line when invoking the test. A listing of all device path strings can be displayed through the devShow command. If an SBC device does not have a device path string, it is not supported by MOTLoad and can not be directly tested. There are a few exceptions to the device path string requirement, like testing RAM, which is not considered a true device and can be directly tested without a device path string. Refer to the devShow command description page in the MOTLoad Firmware Package User’s Manual.