RELIANCE 45C380自动化输入模块
DS1384看门狗定时器中的时间功能可由用户自行使用。看门狗定时器提供一个看门狗报警窗口,间隔时间在0.01到99.99秒之间。非易失性RAM在本手册的NVRAM部分进行了说明。看门狗报警可在软件控制下生成VME SYSFAIL。系统命令寄存器的第8位(见表3-1)用于启用此选项。系统命令寄存器为2字节宽,位于内存地址$D800E。注意:要使用此选项,必须将看门狗定时器中断输出设置为电平模式(请参阅看门狗命令寄存器位4)。此外,看门狗报警通过一个双状态标头(E8)连接到CPU复位或系统NMI,或两者都不连接。如果跳线设置在2-4位置,用户可以指示看门狗警报重置CPU;如果跳线处于4-6位置,则启动非屏蔽中断(NMI);或者如果跳线被完全移除,则两者都没有。
The Time of Day feature in the DS1384 Watchdog Timer is available for use by the user at their discretion. The Watchdog Timer provides a Watchdog Alarm window and interval timing between 0.01 and 99.99 seconds. The Non-Volatile RAM is explained in the NVRAM section of this manual. The Watchdog Alarm can, under software control, generate a VME SYSFAIL. Bit 8 of the System Command register (see Table 3-1) is used to enable this option. The System Command Register is 2 bytes wide located at memory address $D800E. NOTE: The Watchdog Timer Interrupt output must be set to Level Mode (see Watchdog Command Register Bit 4) to use this option. In addition, the Watchdog Alarm is connected via a two state header (E8) to either or neither the CPU reset or the system NMI. The user can direct the Watchdog Alarm to reset the CPU if the jumper is set in the 2-4 position; to initiate a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) if the jumper is in the 4-6 position; or neither if the jumper is completely removed.