RELIANCE 45C410A处理器多总线模块
将主分区设置为活动分区。10.退出FDISK。注意:如果闪存磁盘上安装了修改主引导记录(MBR)的操作系统,则需要执行以下步骤来为DOS重写MBR。11.运行FDISK/MBR。12.运行FORMAT C:(如果您想将Flash Disk作为可引导DOS设备,请使用/s选项。)13。格式D:(仅当创建了两个分区时才需要此格式)。14.重置CPU并进入CMOS设置。15.将主控制器设置为“自动”16。将引导设备设置为所需的引导源。简单系统的驱动器号分配如第63页图4-6所示。对于这些多分区配置,了解操作系统分配驱动器号的顺序是必要的。操作系统将驱动器号C:分配给第一个硬盘(引导设备)上的活动主分区。驱动器D分配给下一个硬盘上第一个识别的主分区。
Set the Primary partition as an active partition. 10. Exit FDISK. NOTE: If an operating system has been installed on the Flash Disk that modifies the Master Boot Record (MBR), then the following steps are required to rewrite the MBR for DOS. 11. Run FDISK /MBR. 12. Run FORMAT C: (use the /s option if you want the Flash Disk as a bootable DOS device.) 13. Format D: (This is only required if two partitions were created). 14. Reset the CPU and enter the CMOS set-up. 15. Set Primary Master to “AUTO.” 16. Set boot device to desired boot source. Drive letter assignments for a simple system are illustrated in Figure 4-6 on page 63. Understanding the order the operating system assigns drive letters is necessary for these multiple partition configurations. The operating system assigns drive letter C: to the active primary partition on the first hard disk (the boot device). Drive D is assigned to the first recognized primary partition on the next hard disk.