RELIANCE 45C613通道低电平输入模块
闪存磁盘将配置为出厂时的单个分区设备。下面的示例序列说明了创建两个分区的一种经过验证的方法,其中一个分区是活动的主分区。请注意退出FDISK的说明。这已被证明是成功分区工作的重要一步。1.通电VMIVME-7740,然后进入CMOS设置。将“主控形状”设置为“无”。将“辅助主机”设置为“自动”。将引导设备设置为软盘。3.从软盘启动DOS;在启动屏幕上,验证Flask Disk是否显示为Flash Disk 0。4.运行FDISK。5.删除所有当前分区(当前存储在分区中的任何数据都将丢失)。6.退出FDISK,这将导致重新启动,然后再次运行FDISK。7.创建主分区。8.创建一个扩展分区,并为其设置逻辑设备。注意:如果只需要一个分区,其大小将等于闪存中可用的总可配置内存。
The Flash Disk will be configured as a single partition device as delivered from the factory. The following sample sequence illustrates a proven method for creating two partitions, with one as an active primary partition. Take note of the instructions to exit FDISK. This has been shown to be an important step in a successful partitioning effort. 1. Power up the VMIVME-7740, and enter CMOS Set-up.2. Set Primary Master to None. Set Secondary Master to Auto. Set boot device to floppy. 3. Boot DOS from the floppy; verify, on the Bootup screen, that the Flask Disk is shown as Flash Disk 0. 4. Run FDISK. 5. Delete all current partitions (any data currently stored in the partitions will be lost). 6. Exit FDISK, this will cause a reboot, then run FDISK again. 7. Create a primary partition. 8. Create an extended partition and set up a logical device for it.NOTE: If only one partition is required, its size will be equal to the total configurable memory available within the Flash Disk.